- Instansi : Abstract. Indonesia, as one of the mega countries, has been ranked as the third highest contributor to global Tuberculosis (TB) after India and China. TB was also ranked number two in cause of mortality in Indonesia based on the latest study. For many people, TB is the first sign of immune dysfunction associated with HIV infection. In Papua and West Papua, the increase HIV/AIDS is growing further that has been reaching generalized classification. The data is obtained from cause of death registration mechanism that has been implemented since 2007 in Papua (City and District of Jayapura). Two sources of death data are from medical records if death occurs in hospitals and Verbal Autopsy if death occurs at home. In this article, cause of death is based on underlying cause of death. Limitation of the study is not validated to evaluate the completeness of the death data. Therefore the data may be underestimated. This study reveals that majority of death occurs among productive ages (15-44 years old), while the other parts of Indonesia among older people. Almost halve of death is caused by communicable diseases. Among these communicable diseases, the main cause of death was TB and followed by HIV/AIDS. TB was the number in all ages. HIV/AIDS was the number four cause of death and it contributes one cause of death and it contributes 17% of death 5.4% of death among ages 15-44 years old. It seems that all ages were suffered from TB, but highest among ages 25-34 years old. While for HIV/AIDS mostly were ages 20-39 years old. The local government should solve this problem by comprehensive approaches immediately with involving the other sectors and community itself. Health education is one of ways to solve this problem for people especially people living in the remote areas, otherwise loss of generation may be happened likely in Papua. Keywords: Leading cause of death, Death registration, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Papua
- Etik : -
- Tujuan : -
Abstract. Indonesia, as one of the mega countries, has been ranked as the third highest contributor to global Tuberculosis (TB) after India and China. TB was also ranked number two in cause of mortality in Indonesia based on the latest study. For many people, TB is the first sign of immune dysfunction associated with HIV infection. In Papua and West Papua, the increase HIV/AIDS is growing further that has been reaching generalized classification. The data is obtained from cause of death registration mechanism that has been implemented since 2007 in Papua (City and District of Jayapura). Two sources of death data are from medical records if death occurs in hospitals and Verbal Autopsy if death occurs at home. In this article, cause of death is based on underlying cause of death. Limitation of the study is not validated to evaluate the completeness of the death data. Therefore the data may be underestimated. This study reveals that majority of death occurs among productive ages (15-44 years old), while the other parts of Indonesia among older people. Almost halve of death is caused by communicable diseases. Among these communicable diseases, the main cause of death was TB and followed by HIV/AIDS. TB was the number in all ages. HIV/AIDS was the number four cause of death and it contributes one cause of death and it contributes 17% of death 5.4% of death among ages 15-44 years old. It seems that all ages were suffered from TB, but highest among ages 25-34 years old. While for HIV/AIDS mostly were ages 20-39 years old. The local government should solve this problem by comprehensive approaches immediately with involving the other sectors and community itself. Health education is one of ways to solve this problem for people especially people living in the remote areas, otherwise loss of generation may be happened likely in Papua. Keywords: Leading cause of death, Death registration, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Papua